Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NINE kits! This particular mother usually has five. Unfortunately, one of the kits didn't make it. It looked like it had been crushed while nursing. Sad. But there are still almost twice as many kits as usual. Makes up for her last litter dying of chill.

Dead kits and bunnies are just one of the hazards you have to worry about when you breed rabbits. Another is a dead mother rabbit. Yes, it happens. Especially when you don't know what you're doing. That's why you should consult a professional when breeding. A professional breeder or vet will help walk you through the breeding process and, maybe, give you tips to help save your rabbits' lives! One suggestion. Perhaps if you breed what the breeder wants, you could offer a bunny in return, barter style. You'd really be getting off cheap, since education is invaluable.

I'm not trying to discourage breeding rabbits. If you're responsible about it, I'd like to encourage you. We need more responsible breeders. Especially meat rabbit breeders.

Most rabbit meat in the US is imported. And you should see the places they're raised! EWWW! Disgusting! I'd like to think we're more humane and sanitary here! Those people are giving the rest of us a bad name. We need to counter that with our own breeders. I certainly hope we'd all do a much better job!

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