Monday, May 24, 2010

Just as I promised, here's my favorite rabbit recipe. I love it because it's so simple!

Rosemary Rabbit Crock Pot Roast

  1. Whole Rabbit
  2. 1/4 c Canola Oil (can be substituted for mild olive oil.)
  3. Small Sprig of Fresh Rosemary

Chop rosemary coursely, dropping leaves into oil. Put oil aside. Discard stem. Place rabbit into crock pot. Set pot on "low". For food safety, never leave, for any period of time, on "keep warm". Do not use water for this recipe. Add any vegetables you like at this time, except rice or other easily burned vegetable. Add those a few minutes before serving. After about five minutes, using pastry brush, baste rabbit with rosemary mixture on both top and bottom. Cook for approximately 4-8 hours, depending on the size of the rabbit. Recipe can be adjusted for different sized rabbits. May also be used for chicken or turkey.

You now have a delicious, nutritious dinner that took just minutes to prepare! Enjoy your dinner and enjoy the praise!

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