Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bunnies! We have baby bunnies! After the last litter, we were rather worried about this one, but all the new arrivals seem healthy and strong.

It's hard to believe, looking out at the bright green foliage of the trees and the dandelion spotted expanse of the grass, that winter was only a couple of months ago! And it's hot! Only a few days ago, it was rather chilly. But that's life in Pennsylvania. 

I think the heat played a key role in our bunnies' survival. Last time they died of chill, because their mother ate all of their bedding. I think she's learned and, actually, left all the straw alone for the bunnies, despite the fact that we left plenty for her to eat and for bedding.

Tomorrow, I plan to share my favorite rabbit dish with you, so stay tuned!

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