Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wow, what a week! My friend's in the hospital, several of my family members have or have had cancer, one of whom being in the hospital for one of the infections which are a result! I've barely had time to take care of my rabbits, let alone update this blog! One of the things to consider when you have rabbits ... life sometimes intercedes in the best laid plans. Rabbits still have to be taken care of no matter what. They need to have food, water and greens, and it's not always easy to give them everything they need. Something to keep in mind when selecting that first rabbit! Sadly, also something they don't tell you in ANY of the rabbit books. A good book will tell you it's work. A great book will tell you it's a lot of work. I've yet, however, to see a book that tells you you must put your life on hold to take care of your rabbits! You do, sometimes. Rabbits ... not for the weak of spirit!

If you don't see me again for a while, I'm just dealing with life. I'm not ignoring you, I'm just trying to get by.

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