Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's a beautiful day and Cinders' kits are starting to get fat and furry. I was worried for a short while, as they were thin. I think it was due to too much straw this time(we'll figure it out eventually!) It was keeping Cinders from being able to get to them easily so she could feed them. At least we realized it the next day!

They're already hopping around and trying to escape when I try to pick them up. In other words, they're healthy! We give them a diet of fresh greens and pellets. I try to give our milking does a lot of clover. Clover is fattening for rabbits and we definitely don't want the breeding does fat, but we do want the babies that way! It's working. They are healthy with round little tummies.

Dandelions are also a significant part of their diet. They are so full of nutrients, I recommend them to everyone, even people!

The only problem with giving your rabbits fresh greens daily (other than possible mis-identification)  is that picking the greens takes a lot of time and effort. That's why I intend to, eventually, start pasturing all of my meat rabbits. Until then, I'll be happy to let you know how my experiments with pasturing go. Good luck with your own rabbits.

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