Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today, I'd like to address a little common misconception about rabbit pellets. The kind that go in, not out!

It's believed pellets were developed for the meat rabbit breeders to fatten up the rabbits. Believe me, the last thing rabbit meat breeders want is fat rabbits! I don't know who started this, but it's unlikely at best. Rabbits are at their best and healthiest when lean. Fat doesn't even come into question, since it comes off when the skin does. In fact, it's extremely undesirable, seeing as it makes the rabbits unhealthy and harder to butcher. Pellets are for convenience, not to put on weight. Like most convenience foods (i.e. junk food), convenience comes with a price. Not that I'm telling you not to give your rabbits pellets, I'm simply saying that they need more than JUST pellets! Adding lots of greens to their diet will make them lean, mean hopping machines.

The pet industry does more for fattening the rabbits than the meat industry ever could. They're the ones who sell the sugar-laden "treats" people like so much to give to their pets. Those "treats" REALLY pack on the pounds!

It's possible, however, that some rabbits are fattened up to sell by the more unscrupulous breeders, since rabbits, like all meat animals, are sold by the pound, whereas we sell ours by the rabbit as bunnies. We don't know what other breeders do, just what we do, and we do our best to keep ours at a healthy weight.

So, next time you go to pick up a bag of pellets, ask yourself, why am I buying what is, basically, a convenience food for my rabbit. Is there a healthier way?

And stop blaming us for YOUR fat rabbit!

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