Saturday, April 7, 2012

All of my meat-breed does are either bred off nursing a litter, so I will soon have a lot of rabbits to eat and sell. I hope to soon have a new setup for my special meat rabbit "sub-rabbitry", for which I ordered the supplies some time ago, but the shipment has yet to arrive. I'm getting a bit frustrated with this distributer. I've been waiting more than a week and I did mention the supplies were needed in a hurry. Sigh.

I bred my Californian doe to my New Zealand buck, so I'm hoping to have some excellent meat-to-bone ratio from the combination (I also don't have a Californian buck and needed to get her bred as she was getting to the point where if I didn't, there would be no point keeping her because she would become more difficult to breed as time went on), and my crosses to my American Chinchilla buck, hoping to increase the size of the offspring. I'm hoping NOT to see any REW (Ruby-eyed white) in the litter, even though that would save me time breeding out the chinchilla coloring from my meat rabbits later, because that would mean my buck carries it. I would really rather my American Chinchilla line had no chance of producing white later. I would rather purchase one from someone else. I'm also considering crossing my partner's Flemish Giant doe, since she's not being bred, to get a larger bone for other uses.

I hope to soon sell my litters as dogfood to raw feeders. It would, at least, bring some sorely needed money into my little rabbitry and, I hope, get me a bit on an income as well. I have been investigating processing them myself as opposed to spending an outrageous amount to have it done professionally and spending more for the care during those three months than I would earn. As it stands at the moment, I may be able to "gift" the processing to the buyers after the sale, but I'm not really sure how to advertise that fact. The rabbits would need to me purchased live and then processed for free.

By my calculations, I should have a very small income if I can do this, but nothing spectacular. If I were in it for the money alone, I would have quit some time ago.

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