Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is your rabbit fat? Does he get ample amounts of play in every day? Fresh greens (besides clover, which is fattening)?

Exercise is good for a rabbit. It prevents obesity and diabetes, raises fertility(obesity lowers fertility due to clogging reproductive organs), and prevents boredom. Yes, believe it or not, your rabbit will get bored!
But there are things you can do to beat the boredom. A jingle ball(the kind intended for cats) may get him rolling. Or a cardboard tube. A cardboard or plastic tube which is big enough for your rabbit to walk through is an ideal toy. Just be sure your rabbit won't get stuck and always watch your rabbit when he has any kind of plastic in with him. Plastic is poisonous and a choking hazard, so you don't want him chewing it! Better yet, avoid plastic altogether and stick with natural items, such as undyed paper and cardboard, untreated, undyed versions of plant matter such as straw, hemp, wicker, and wood sticks, which help to direct the natural urge, really the NEED to chew. When a rabbit doesn't get a good chew in for a while, it's teeth grow out too much. It's another serious health issue.  The affected rabbit can't chew and will be in serious pain when it tries to eat. It could, very easily, starve because of this! NEVER CUT A RABBIT'S TEETH, THOUGH! They are prone to splintering and breaking. If you have a rabbit with teeth that are too long and he's incapable of filing them himself, you must file them for him.

If you don't want to go the homemade route on rabbit toys, there are a lot of toys available for sale, and more everyday. Visit our store for a wide variety of rabbit items!

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