Monday, May 10, 2010

Nearly finished building a new hutch for the rabbits. And, yes, They are HUTCHES, not pens! Pens are on the ground. Hutches have legs to keep them off the ground. Hutches also have nesting boxes.

Anyway, I still have the back to finish installing and one thing left for the top. Then I'll be done. This took a very long time and I needed help(the instructions, mainly the pictures, left a lot to be desired and I kept messing up), But we really did a nice job. Something to take into consideration if you want your own rabbit breeding business. Hutches don't just build themselves. It's work, having a growing number of rabbits, but it's also very rewarding. And these hutches are for my meat rabbits so...well, I think "yum" just about covers it!

Until Next time!

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