Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sapphire's kits are about four weeks old, now. In a couple of weeks we'll be separating and sexing them. I know one of the white ones is a little buck. Or at least I think it is. At this age, it's virtually impossible to be absolutely certain of genders. Wait to separatethem and sex them until they're at least six weeks old. It makes things so much easier, as far as separating them---and of course, it's healthier for them to stay with their mother longer.  BELIEVE ME you don't want to accidentally put a buck and a doe in the same cage like I once did. I was new to rabbit breeding, and therefore sexing, and got ONE of the bunnies mis-sexed.BIG MISTAKE! I ended up with two litters of bunnies, with the first one dead and the second....well, they were okay, actually. A small miracle, considering she was pregnant when she got pregnant the second time. Probably because she was so far along. Yes, rabbits CAN get pregnant while still pregnant.

And, usually when that happens, the second litter dies of malnourishment  because the first litter got it all. Another reason to never re-breed before the doe's ready.

Anyway, in order to raise rabbits, you need supplies and information, and one to get all that is in our store!

I'm guessing if you read to here, that's your intention. Good luck!

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