Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm considering getting cavys (also known as guinea pigs).  My partner has far different ideas about raising and breeding animals. Cavys can be raised indoors so they would be strictly raised by me in my home. No, I don't plan to quit raising rabbits, I just want a project all to myself, I suppose you could say.

Cavys are somewhat similar to rabbits: they both practice cecotrophy (the ingestion of cecotropes), eat similar foods (cavys need additional Vitamin C in the form of fruit and vegetables, but that shouldn't be too difficult), and have similar issues with birthing, etc. I do plan to do more research before jumping into them, however. A lot more.

On the other hand, cavys have longer gestational periods, shorter times the males can stay with their mothers, sanitation can be an even greater issue if the containers aren't cleaned daily, they cannot be placed in cages because the cages are too hard on their feet, and I'm not sure what to look for in regards to the different breeds and their standards. There is a lot to learn before I can even consider starting any new projects. If I ever get into them at all.

I don't know if I would like to eat cavys, however, so the culls may just end up going to my dog and cat. I'm not sure whether I actually intend to sell them for pets or not.

Either way, I will always be able to eat rabbit.

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