Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I would like to discuss, today, a very serious problem that has just come to my attention. Research, or, I should say, a lack of research. Too many breeders are doing what they've always done simply because that's what they've always done. It's as though they could never improve upon their methods, and that makes us all look bad.

One example of this is the "serious" breeder who uses cedar shavings as bedding. Most individuals who own pet rabbits will tell you that cedar is highly toxic to rabbits. There are other examples, as well, but my point is that this breeder hasn't done her research and is risking the health of her very lively hood because it's "the way it's always been done."
I also know of a breeder who, despite being trained in the medical field, continues to smoke cigarettes around her rabbits. Much information has been released about the relation of smoking and animals' health, if people would only take the time to read it!
Pet bedding, which also contains toxins, antibiotics for non-bacterial infections, gripping the rabbits solely by the ears and/or back skin, we've all done something that we found out later was detrimental to our rabbits, but if you wish to be in this business, you need to continue to improve. Stagnant thinking will only lead to stagnant results. Please don't sacrifice your herd to the past. If we are to succeed, we must push on to the future.

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