Sunday, October 24, 2010

I was curious what I would find if I did a search for the term "rabbit for rent." This was one of the results:

I was more curious than anything. I read it and started laughing. This woman wants to rent out her destructive pet rabbit to parents of children who want a pet!
There are numerous ways she can solve her problem without pimping Dill out. She could put him in a real cage with a wire bottom and a door that actually keeps him in. She could put him outside in said cage or a hutch. She could supervise him when he's outside of the cage. Or she could put him in the stewpot, which is what I think I woud have done had he been my pet! I hope you got as much enjoyment from this as I did!

I wonder if anyone would want to rent one of my rabbits. Hmmm.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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