Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Here are some tips for those who are considering breeding their rabbit. Always check with a rabbit expert or vet before breeding. These are just general tips. It's always best to get the advice of a knowledgeable expert you know personally.

-Always place the female in with the male-that way he doesn't feel the need to mark the female's cage instead of breeding.

-Watch your rabbits-it sounds perverted, I know, but it's the only way to avoid aggression. You're there to stop your rabbits from hurting each other. Never leave them alone together overnight.

-DO NOT USE the alternate marbling method to check if your doe's pregnant. That is to say, DO NOT put your doe back in with the buck to see if she refuses him when she's almost due. Rabbits can get pregnant again while still pregnant, which is usually fatal to the next litter of bunnies due to malnutrition.

-Death is always possible with any litter, especially your doe's first one. It's also possible to lose you doe. If your rabbit's a pet, you should definitely consider NOT breeding her!

-Make sure the new bunnies are plenty warm the first few nights. The newer they are, the more delicate they are. After the first week, the chances of fatalities decrease significantly.

Good Luck!

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