Friday, July 6, 2012

This is the Show Rabbit Protection Society's interpretation of the USDA's new proposed rule. Read carefully. This WILL affect you, even if you're not a breeder. It WILL affect everybody, and not in a good way:

"Originally, under the current rule, rabbits were excluded from the requirement for licensing of facilities holding more than three breeding females. Now in the new rule, we have been assured by Dr. Rushin and Christine Jones, that the 3-4 breeding female limit still does not apply to rabbits, especially in light of the fact that the original 3 breeding female limit did not apply to rabbits. However, the actual wording of the new rule wars with that belief and has already led some of the most expensive law firms in the country to insist that the intention of the rule is to include rabbits in that breeding female limit which, as a result, would also require rabbit breeders to only sell those animals that were bred, born and raised on their property."

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