I neglected to mention in a previous post, I have my sub-rabbitry sheltered and two cages hung! Now my youngest brood rabbit is in a cage of her own with ample space and her own belongings (watching her "chin" everything was so adorable!) She is a very happy rabbit and has actually become much friendlier. Of course, that might be the fresh greens she's been getting several times daily. ;)
I have a doe here which has come down with a disease dreaded by all rabbit breeders. It's known among breeders as "snuffles' aka pasturella. She is sneezing with white mucus coming out of her nose. I know what I have to do, not just to keep her from suffering but to prevent the other rabbits from becoming infected, but she's been a sort of rabbitry pet for some time so it will be difficult. It's breaking my heart. She's not really my doe, technically, but my partner's, so I really hope she has the sense to actually put the doe down before she kills the others. I know that sounds harsh, but it isn't intended that way. I just don't want to lose the rabbitry and I DON'T want any of the rabbits to suffer, this doe included. I really hope we can get a vet to euthanize her, because I don't think I could do it myself. She's a Flemish Giant so she's just too big, among other things.
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