Basically, I've been working to make my meat rabbits pellet-free. As one method of doing so, I had to reduce the amount of pellets and increase the amount of greens. Of course, selective breeding and adding sturdy breeds with a high tolerance for a large quantity of greens helps, too.
My kits have been getting feed at the ratio of 2/3 greens and grass and 1/3 pellets and doing well. There is no sign of disease or deformed kits. I do believe I've got "hybrid vigor" perfected. Even when a sick rabbit was placed extremely close to mine (C had those rabbits with fur mites) they never became ill or showed any signs of infestation. I have, of course, kept an extremely close eye on them, but I think if they were prone to illness, they would have been at that point. Of course, sickly rabbits would have been culled, but if the whole litter became ill, I would have to start over.
Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view, my does of that group seem to gain a lot of weight on the pellets. I hope to get the completely off of them very soon. I'm going slowly because, if there's one thing I don't want, it's to sacrifice their health and comfort. I am a firm believer in making the rabbits as comfortable as possible even ~during~ the butchering process. There is no reason they should ever have to suffer, in my mind.
Most breeders are trying to keep a feed to meat ratio of 2 lbs pellets to 1 lb meat, from my understanding. I should be feeding close to 2/3 lb pellets for each lb of meat at butchering time, assuming I keep the green to pellet ratio at 2/3 to 1/3. Not bad. Not bad at all.
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