Monday, May 16, 2011

I thought I would post an entry today about the ten things I like best about breeding and eating rabbits. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree, rabbit meat is here to stay!
10. They are cute and fuzzy.

 9.Small enough to feed a family without having to worry too much about waste or long-term storage 

 8.Easy to pasture should you ever encounter and emergency. Not that I believe the food supply will disintegrate any time soon, but you never know what tomorrow will bring, especially in isolated areas.

  7.Sustainable-rabbits use fewer resources than larger livestock and have a larger return per pound.

  6. Tasty and nutritious, rabbit has many health benefits, it's very lean and the flavor has been compared to chicken or beef. It can be used in nearly every recipe that calls for either.

  5.Easy to process-There are many videos on YouTube and instructions online on processing a rabbit. A person can often, with a sharp knife or scissors, process a rabbit within fifteen minutes or less.

 4.Low odor-their waste, when handled properly, has little odor.

3.Waste does not cause root burn for plants, which means it can be added directly to our garden or compost. It is also great for vermiculture.

2.They're quiet. They don't make much noise, which means they can be kept, again managed properly, in an apartment or area where animals are not allowed and nobody will ever know. Management is key for this, though!

 1. They are full of personality and are a constant source of joy for me and my family. 

I hope you enjoyed reading my reasons for breeding rabbits. Not everybody will agree with them, but, then, not everybody is suited to rabbit raising.

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