Monday, May 30, 2011


I have a word for animal rescues today. A choice word. I have nothing against the work of rescuing animals, when it is no-kill work, but why must rescues take it upon themselves to blame breeders for pet overpopulation and homeless pets? There are some who claim it is about money, some who claim it is about power.  My rabbitry has a return policy, as do the majority of reputable breeders, as I decided I didn't wish to have my rabbits killed at some shelter in a space which could have been reserved for a more needful pet (who would, hopefully, live instead!) I have yet to have one returned. It is not the breeders! My personal belief is that they actually believe what they are claiming, regardless of the evidence. The truth is, there isn't a true "epidemic" of overpopulated pets, there is an epidemic of irresponsible pet OWNERS. They get animals when they are "cute and cuddly" and abandon them when they are past the kitten, puppy, bunny, etc... phase. Or they don't neuter or spay an animal they have no intention of breeding. Or they breed an animal simply because it would be "educational." If people at the shelters could realize it is the owners, not the breeders, I would feel much safer donating to an organization which wouldn't stab me in the back simply because I'm a pet breeder.
I apologize for the rant, but this is what is currently on my mind. Tomorrow, I will return you to your regular rabbit-rearing program.

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