Saturday, February 5, 2011

Question 4: Why do rabbits chew?

Answer: Rabbits need to chew because they need to file down their teeth or they will soon have teeth that will be so long they can no longer eat. Rabbits chew because, in nature, that is the only way for them to eat! Their natural diet consists of mostly roughage, which files their teeth, so they must constantly grow. Be sure, if you keep your rabbit inside, to wrap all wires and keep them out of reach. You're better off keeping the wires and cables well out of rabbit reach!
House plants can be dangerous to a rabbit. Treat them like your wires, as far away from bunny as possible, unless you're sure it's something bunny can eat. Remember, your rabbit will chew anything it can, so always watch it if it is out of it's cage. We recommend always having a cage for your rabbit when you cannot watch it. This is not cruel. If it doesn't have a cage, it will likely burrow and try to find a "safe" place, which might not be as safe as bunny thinks, and may chew something which will cause a fire or the death of your rabbit.

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