Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I've been answering questions for a full week. I've enjoyed this and I hope you have, too! If I have helped even one person to live a safer, happier life with their rabbit, I will have achieved my goal!
Question 7: OOOPS! I thought I had two bucks/does! Now what?

Answer: Unless you've had your rabbit sexed by an experienced professional, always keep rabbits separated and NEVER put two bucks together when they're more than four months old! They will likely fight, resulting in injuries, especially to the ears. In this scenario, however, there is an even BIGGER problem, possibly eight or nine bigger problems that need to be dealt with as soon as possible! Really, the answer is that you need to wait eight weeks until they're weaned and find them homes of their own of some kind. Avoid sending them to the shelter, they have enough! Perhaps you can give them to a neighbor or a friend. Rabbit is also excellent meat, as I'm sure you know from reading my blog and, possibly, trying it for yourself. Don't feel too bad, everybody who's ever sexed a rabbit has missexed at least one! The important thing now is to find a home for the bunnies.

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