Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's been a month and a half since I've been here, I know and I do apologize! It's been a difficult and busy month for me, as Pennsylvania has been, basically, frozen solid for weeks. I've been spending a lot of time giving rabbits water and making sure the don't freeze, especially the mini-lops, who are prone to having their ears become coated with ice. It's been crazy here! I also have had a difficult time, physically, as I have chronic pain in my back that is often debilitating.

I hope everyone has been warm! It's certainly cold here! If you have livestock, I'm certain you've been racing around, thawing water and protecting limbs and ears, while everybody else is staying nice and warm and even sleeping past sunrise! I hear you!

I've been researching rabbit feed, thinking of my meat rabbits. I plan to start feeding them the homemade feed first. If that works, I will start to feed the same thing to the purebreds. I want to stop using the pellets altogether.You wouldn't believe the rabbit questions I found! I hope to answer those questions and more in the next few days. It may even save your rabbit's life!

Question 1: Should you use a wire cage for a Flemish Giant rabbit?

Answer: Absolutely! Wire cages are the preferred cage for rabbits of all types! Just be sure they have a resting mat, such as a grass mat, on which to rest their feet as they are a very large breed rabbit (often 20+lbs!). Rabbits of other breeds will also appreciate a resting mat and it will prevent a condition known as "sore hocks," a sore or a wound that develops when a rabbit spends too much time on wire and is either too heavy or has too little padding on his feet.

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