Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sapphire's bunnies are eating greens now. That's how we keep our rabbits healthy. Of course, we also feed them pellets, the occasional carrot, get the idea. We rarely (if ever) give our rabbits sweets. That's  definitely something to avoid. Not only could they get fat, but, like human beings, sugar also compromises their immune systems.  We've never had a problem with sick rabbits other than the two that came from elsewhere and one broken back, as well as one which was hurt, but is much better now. 

I'm thinking of stopping all sales of hybrid rabbits to individuals wanting pets. Most of the unwanted rabbits are from the negligence of owners who decide they don't want their "pet" anymore. It's sad people are like that, but they are. And it's not just rabbits. Cats, dogs...everything. If you don't want your animal...if you cannot guarantee it a forever home, DO NOT GET IT! Pets are forever. If you think you or your children will tire of the pet, it's not really necessary. And if you think you can't "afford" your pet, so you want to get rid of it, consider this. A pet is a lifetime commitment. A pet should be like your child. I'm not saying you should die for them, but you really need to consider the long-term ramifications of getting a living being who depends upon you for EVERYTHING. Also, if you want a pet rabbit, get an older one from a shelter. They'll actually adapt more easily and be better pets than a bunny. You can connect just as well. In fact, probably better because the older rabbit understands what is wanted of it. Bunnies don't.

Okay, I'm off my pulpit, now. I WILL keep selling meat rabbits. There's definitely no surplus of THEM. Actually, not enough people raise or eat them. We need to remove the stigma of rabbit meat. We need to tell people, "you can have a rabbit and eat one, too!"

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